If speaking to Red Bull, I believe many Thais do not know but if it is Krating Daeng, many Thais will be Ay!!!. Krating Daeng is energy drink that is known and able to dominate Thai people for a long time especially labor groups. But other groups are less to drink because they see that Krating Daeng is a brand for labor group. In the same way, Red Bull is very popular among teenagers in aboard including famous stars like Britney Spears.
So this is the reason that I chose this brand to present to anyone. I want to anyone know in the fact that Krating Daeng or Red bull has interesting marketing strategy and interesting strategy in stepping to global market. Red Bull also is the first Thai brand that can step to global market. Including management concepts of owner of Red Bull Company “Mr. Chaleo Yoovidhya” bring about to successful business and he becomes the world’s top millionaire. I think that it may be very useful for who want to do business. Also I want to present successful of Thai brand and the ability of Thai people not less that other.
Furthermore, I want to learn deeply in Red Bull brand because I believe that Red Bull has many things interesting and ready to relay to everyone to know as expert