Dear, My best partner, in all brands
I am manager of Redbull GmbH. This is a great time that I will receive the good advices from all best partners to develop our weakness and increase our strength more and more.
Red Bull is most popular energy drink in the world and is the first Thai brand that can go to global market. Now day, we offers Red Bull nearly 100 countries around the world and receive market share since 65%, 70% until 90%. Today I can say we are the global market leader in energy drink.
Completely, I am as manager would like to say Thank you all customers. Also I would like to use this great time to invite all professional to be part of the big successful of Thai brand via your comments, good ideas, good advices and etc. on my blog. Please feel free to comment your ideas on my blog.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Pronchanok Sirichana
Manager of Redbull GmbH.
Dear Manager of The Redbull
ตอบลบI'm Wacoal Brand manager. I'm so glad to visit your blog and the first person to comment. Your blog appropriate with you brand especially the beginning of your blog is very interestng. When I see the picture on the top of your blog, I can touch powerful of energy drink.
This is the first time that I know Red Bul is the global brand because I see almost Thai people who is people labor drink it. On the other hand, Red bull is popular drink in teenager group. It's very surprise for me.
Yours sincerely
Wacoal Brand Manager
Dear Manager of Red Bull,
ตอบลบFirst of all, I would like to introduce myself; I’m a manager of BRAND’S. I am very interesting in your blog and brand more. I am sure that when I drink it, I feel fresh, active and vigorous. Moreover, I like a main picture more and more because it shows strong power when we drink; I know Red Bull is most popular energy drinks in the world and your products expand both in country and aboard. Specially, most consumers accept in quality and taste, they can remember a prominent brand well. I would like to said “Your blog and brand are so interesting.” I believe that your business will be more successful and growing up larger than you did touch achievement last period. However, I hope that we would be together for new strategies launching some products or promotion between Red Bull and BRAND’s.
Yours sincerely,
Khanittha Khongkhui
Manager of BRAND'S
Dear The manager of Red Bull
ตอบลบI'm an executive of Honda brand in Thailand, When i saw your blog firstly, i was wonderful because you are soft girl and look kind; i have a thought you might not choose this as your brand. Although it's not appropriate for your looking, if you love it and it asures you that you can do. I will waite for your success. Miss Pronchanok i have a good suggestion. I think this color is not fitting for your brand's products, the red color is more good than this because it will express to the powerful feeling. Are you gree with me?
Best Wishes,
Mr.Mangkorn Saetia
The executive of Honda
Dear, manager of Red Bull
ตอบลบI'm the executive board responsibility for Heineken regions. When I visit your blog,I am very glad in term of red bull brand that is entering to an important beverage in the world. It is a important thing for me that Red Bull is the standard brand of Thai Beverages that not lose another nationalbeverages brand . I'm very pround.
I think, your blong lack the color for makes your brand to be strong and stable brand, I think, you should put the color that represents the indentity of your brand. When other people see it, they wiil know, "what is your brand" and other is so good.
Sincerely Yours,
Phojanart Phunprae
The executive board responsibility for Heineken regions
Dear, manager of Red Bull
ตอบลบI'm manager of Yamaha Motor Limited in Thailand,
again for visiting your blog and I remain exciting in your brand. Red Bull is the pride of Thai. If i have a chance, I will try it.
I know to be the international brand, it is not easy but you can do it.
However I have suggestion for your brand blog.
I think this conlor is not suitable for your blog because I think theme of your blog is power.
So, red id suitable for your blog. Others are rather good.
Finally, I'd like to say Thank you that you create new different but really Thai.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Wigawee YOMMAK
Manager of Yamaha Motor Limited
ตอบลบDear REDBULL's manager
ตอบลบI’m executive of Mc Donald Company Limited. I'm very pleasure to visit your blog. REDBULL was the brand that began by Thai people. REDBULL was the number one of energy drink in oversea. And had strength that was the different of tasty. It makes you became the global market leader in energy drink. In overall of your's blog look nice. the letter in your blog is easy to understand but I think, It should to have more cheerfulness in your blog because your are the energy drink. I'm very like your choice.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Kanokwan Ongsawad
executive of Mc donald’s brand